*Our district pays for all NPE students to use many online resources. Your child's accounts will be updated regularly. These programs can be used when you want to give your child "something to do" on those unexpected snow days, holidays, or just to provide extra practice on reading and math skills since "extra" homework is not provided. Scroll down for some online resources available!

*Every student at NPE has a gmail account.
*Accounts are set up with students first initial and last name followed by @wssdgmail.org (all lowercase, no spaces)
*Password is npe and students 4 digit lunch number. (all lowercase, no spaces)
Your child has been given a personal username and password! I will assign assessments/assignments to supplement our ELA curriculum.
Raz Kids
Class Username: kpandov2
Once it is entered, your child should be able to find their name! A personal password has been provided!
Science/Social Studies
Scholastic News
Click "Log in" then "I am a Student". Our class passcode is npe127
BrainPop Jr
*I will post new log in information if/when I get it! Students will have access at NPE using Clever.
Username: npes, Password: read
Encyclopedia Brittanica
*I will post new log in information if/when I get it!
Class Code: sml6755
Log in as a student and enter our class code!
*Epic gives families full access 7 am-3 pm. After 3 pm, free books provided are limited.
Username: npe, Password: books
Class Code: RGEQQV
Username: npe, Password: books
Class Code: RGEQQV
Class Password: npe127
Click on student, enter our class code, find your name, and enter our class password!
Click on student, enter our class code, find your name, and enter our class password!
*SplashLearn gives families full access 8 am-4 pm. After 4 pm, students will only have access to skills I have assigned.
Science/Social Studies
Scholastic News
Click "Log in" then "I am a Student". Our class passcode is npe127
BrainPop Jr
*I will post new log in information if/when I get it! Students will have access at NPE using Clever.
Username: npes, Password: read
Encyclopedia Brittanica
*I will post new log in information if/when I get it!
*Class code will be provided at a later time. Once codes are used, students don't need to use the code again.
*Click on schools icon (left corner), enter our code (only have to do this one time), and find your name!