Thursday, December 23, 2021

Class News: Week of 1/3

Juliette will be our first MVP in 2022! It’ll be fun to learn more about her! Monday will be Day 12. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 

*Math: Chapter 7 Metric Measurement of Length

*Spelling: Long e patterns (e, ee, ea, ey)

*Conventions: Verbs  

*Reading: building reading stamina/Author’s Purpose

*Writing: building writing stamina/Opinion Writing

*SS/Science: New Years Day


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

Message from Scarlett our Blogger about this week:

Hello everyone!This week has been a great week.this week is a review week.We have a short week because this week is Christmas!This week we had are math test.On Thursday it is a half day and the class had pancakes!The class has done lots of crafts.It has bin a fun week.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Class News: Week of 12/20

Travis will be our next  MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 6. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: finishing Chapter 6 Multiplication Tables of 2, 5, and 10
*This week we will review various ELA skills during the day! 
*Reading: building reading stamina
*Writing: building writing stamina/Opinion Writing
*SS/Science: Holidays around the World (Germany, Israel, Mexico, U.S., Australia, France)


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*There will not be spelling homework this week. We will just have Reading and Math!

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

*December Scholastic Book orders will be placed on Tuesday! Orders placed after 4 p.m. will be placed next month.

Message from Max our Blogger about this week:

Hi my name is Max we are learning about plural nounsin school.We are also learning how to moltaplie by fives. We are learning about pesesiv nouns to.In riters werc shop we are learning how to make purswadeing books.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Class News: Week of 12/13

Scarlett will be our next  MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about her! Monday is Day 1. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: Chapter 6 Multiplication Tables of 2, 5, and 10
*This week is review week! Skills in ELA will be reviewed and assessed!
*Spelling: r controlled (ar, or, ore, oar), contractions, r controlled (er, ur, ir), plurals (-s, -es, -ies), and long a patterns (a, ai, ay)
*Conventions: nouns, proper nouns, singular & plural nouns, nouns that change spelling when plural, and possessive nouns (using apostrophes)
*Reading: building reading stamina/cause & effect, author’s purpose,  facts & details, and compare/contrast
*Writing: building writing stamina/Opinion Writing
*SS/Science: Working Together/The History of Gingerbread


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

Message from James our Blogger about this week:

This week was good we learned all about long A sounds like said or says. We also learned how to multiply and divide. In science we learned about hibernation.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Class News: Week of 12/6

Max will be our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 8. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 

*Math: Chapter 5 Multiplication and Division

*Spelling: long a vowel patterns (a, ai, ay)

*Conventions: possessive nouns  

*Reading: building reading stamina/compare and contrast

*Writing: building writing stamina/Information Writing

*SS/Science: Working Together/Winter (animal habits)


*December writing prompt, "What is your favorite winter memory?" due by 12/13.

*Skip counting is a very helpful skill when multiplying and dividing, so please check in with your child to see how they skip count. A little time practicing this will be helpful.

*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

Message from Sera our Blogger about this week:

Hi,my name is sera.this week on Thursday Mrs.D came to tech us about insects. We also got to play Go for it in Jim.This week was a fun week.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Class News: Week of 11/29

I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving! Next week James will be our MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 3. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: Chapter 5 Multiplication and Division
*Spelling: plurals (-s, -es, -ies)
*Conventions: plural nouns that change spelling 
*Reading: building reading stamina/cause and effect
*Writing: building writing stamina/Information Writing
*SS/Science: Working Together/Needs and Wants


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

*It was so nice talking to you at our conferences! Thank you for your time and continued partnership!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Class News: Week of 11/22

Due to our short week together, there will not be homework or a MVP next week! I’m as excited as you are :) I will incorporate Thanksgiving into our class in all our subjects! Monday is Day 2. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this short week!

It was so nice talking to so many of you at our conferences on Thursday and Friday! I look forward to seeing the rest of you this week! Thank you for your time and continued partnership!
Tuesday, 11/23 is an early release day!

Message from Joey our Blogger about this week:
I’m Joey. And I will be teaching you about this week. We have continued learning about Bar models. We have also been learning about er, ir and ur. Next week we will have a short week, because we will have a half day on Tuesday and off on wednesday. We will have a test tomorrow. Also thank you for the ones that participated in the can food drive, that will be sent to city team to give to the homeless people. The class that brought the most cans will win a pizza party. Hope
You learned a lot about this week.😄😄😁

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Class News: Week of 11/15

Sera is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about her! Monday is Day 9. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: wrap up Chapter 4 Using Bar Models: Addition and Subtraction
*Spelling: r-controlled words using er, ir, and ur
*Conventions: singular and plural nouns
*Reading: building reading stamina/facts and details
*Writing: building writing stamina/Information Writing
*SS/Science: Working Together/History of Thanksgiving


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

*I am looking forward to ZOOMing with you for our upcoming Fall conference! If you have not signed up for a conference, please do so before 7 pm on Monday, 11/15. Signups will close at that time.

Message from Marie our Blogger about this week:

Hi my name is Marie, so far its been a great 👍 week.we are learning about bar models in math.we also are learning about contractions and Abraham Lincoln in reading 📖!the class is so good at writing ✍🏻 workshop.the specials are great exercise for the class too.we love 💝 gonodles. we are also learning about proper nouns.Joey is the MVP of the week.we are also good at morning math 🧮 and daily fix-it.everyone is amazing 🤩 at listening 👂 in class. daily 5 is fun 🥳 too.everyone has an iPad 👩🏻‍💻.we know a lot because of Mrs. Pandov.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Class News: Week of 11/8

Joey is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 4. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 

*Math: Chapter 4 Using Bar Models: Addition and Subtraction

*Spelling: contractions (‘s, ‘t, ‘ll, ‘m)

*Conventions: proper nouns

*Reading: building reading stamina/author’s purpose

*Writing: building writing stamina/Information Writing

*SS/Science: Working Together/Positive Mindset


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

Message from Zach D. our Blogger about this week:

This week we lrnd ubout bar models and spelling with or and ar.The wrck is hard. 😃✌️❤️💕

Friday, October 29, 2021

Class News: Week of 11/1

Marie is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about her! Monday is Day 12. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: begin Chapter 4 Using Bar Models: Addition and Subtraction
*Spelling: words with controlled ar/or, ore, oar
*Conventions: common nouns
*Reading: building reading stamina/cause & effect
*Writing: building writing stamina/begin Information Writing
*SS/Science: Avoiding Danger/Bats (nocturnal animals)


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

*Tuesday, November 2-Teacher inservice day (no school)

Message from Gabriel our Blogger about this week:

Hi this is Gabriel this week we have took our math test and we been busy a lot. In math up and down with 0s on top 🔝 with more one the flors in ones. We learn about earth that it has over 7b peoples. And we know all the plants in space.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Class News: Week of 10/25

Zach D. is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 8. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: wrap up Chapter 3 Subtraction up to 1,000
*This week is review week! Skills in ELA will be reviewed and assessed!
*Spelling: short vowels & consonants, long vowels (vce), consonant blends, inflected ending (-ing, -ed, -s), consonant diagraphs (th, ch, sh, ph, wh) 
*Conventions: writing complete sentences, subject of a sentence, predicate of a sentence, declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, exclamatory sentences
*Reading: building reading stamina/character & setting, main idea & details, facts & details
*Writing: building writing stamina
*SS/Science: Pumpkins/Red Ribbon Week “Healthy is the way to be at NPE!”
Click here to see how to participate in Red Ribbon Week!


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

*Monday, October 25--October Scholastic Book Orders are due (orders placed after 4pm will be added to our next order) If you ordered books last month, I will send them home once they are received. 

*Friday, October 29--Halloween Parade (school appropriate costumes please) and Early Dismissal (be on the lookout for information from Mr. Heinle’s E-blast)

Message from Olivia our Blogger about this week:

Hi I am Olivia. we are leaving. we have bin lining abt cassis. Oh and we will have RTE. I hop eve one had a greed week because I am!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Class News: Week of 10/18

Gabriel is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 3. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: Chapter 3 Subtraction up to 1,000
*Spelling: consonant diagraphs (ch, th, sh, wh, tch)
*Conventions: Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences
*Reading: building reading stamina/facts and details
*Writing: building writing stamina/Narrative wrap up
*SS/Science: Health


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils. 

*Friday, October 29--Early Dismissal (be on the lookout for information from Mr. Heinle’s E-blast)

Message from Ryan our Blogger about this week:

He I’m Ryan. Theis weck we have bin lrning abaowt yousing ing ,s, er. We had a math tes. We had a good week.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Class News: Week of 10/11

Olivia is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about her! Monday is Day 10. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: finish Chapter 2 Addition up to 1,000 and begin Chapter 3 Subtraction up to 1,000
*Spelling: inflected endings -ed, -ing, -s
*Conventions: Declarative and Interrogative Sentences
*Reading: building reading stamina/main idea and details
*Writing: building writing stamina/Narrative
*Science: Exploring the Desert

*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils. 
*Picture day is on Friday! If you are ordering, please return money/envelope.

Message from Zachary our Blogger about this week:
Hello I’m Zachary S this week we are learning about consonant blends.We are also doing regrouping in the tens. We’re also doing one sided math pages for homework and our new vocababualary words are bear build couldn’t love mother father straight.This is the end of my weekly news report.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Class News: Week of 10/4

Ryan is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 5. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: Chapter 2 Addition up to 1,000
*Spelling: consonant blends
*Conventions: predicates in a sentences
*Reading: building reading stamina/character & setting
*Writing: building writing stamina/Narrative
*Social Studies: Exploring Nature


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*Our September Scholastic Book order was placed on Tuesday! Orders will be sent home when I receive them.

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks. Please no snacks that require utensils. 

Message from Lyla our Blogger about this week:

Hi i’m Lyla this week we strdid righting. We started chaptr two in math. this week bin good. we bin lining a lot.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Class News: Week of Sept. 27

Zachary S. is our MVP next week! It’ll be fun to learn more about him! Monday is Day 12. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 

*Math: finish Chapter 1 Numbers to 1,000 & start Chapter 2 Addition up to 1,000

*Spelling: long vowels (vce)

*Conventions: subjects in a sentence

*Reading: building reading stamina/main idea & details

*Writing: building writing stamina/Narrative

*Science: Exploring Space


*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! 

*September Scholastic Book order due Tuesday! Any late orders will be placed next month.

*Virtual Back to School Night is Thursday at 7:05. I will email you a reminder soon with ZOOM information!

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils. 

Message from Avery our first Blogger about this week:

Hi this is Avery so far we had a grate week . In art we been makeing our self portret. Im hopeing to finish of our week wheth a good one.I whant you to know About our class skegwel first we put our tack home folder in our color basket by row if you still do not understand I will tell you some more like there are four rows.That means thar are four colors thar are red yellow green and blue .I am in the green row.Then we do morning mhath then we do reading then we do daily 5 then we do math Love Avery

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Class News: Week of Sept. 20

Lyla will be our MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about her! Monday is Day 7. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 

*Math: continue Chapter 1 Numbers to 1,000

*Spelling: short vowels and consonants

*Conventions: writing complete sentences

*Reading: building reading stamina/character & setting

*Writing: Narrative

*Social Studies: Exploring Communities (Urban, Suburban, Rural)


*Please remember take home folders EVERYDAY! 

*Homework starts this week! Please go to our website under the General Class Information tab to see what our homework will be like this year! I will go over this with our class on Monday! Thanks for your support in helping your child come to school with take home folders and homework everyday.

*Snack time is only about 5-6 minutes. Please send in healthy, easy to open, quick snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils. 

Thanks all!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Some Back to School Reminders

Hi all! I hope you have now seen at least one message from me. If you have not, please check your junk mail :) 
At this time all of our families have been added to our Family Seesaw account and I am working on setting up our class for many of our online resources so your child will be able to access these at home shortly. 
This year we are using the digital platform called Clever at NPE which will make accessing these resources easy for our kiddos at school. 
I am looking forward to seeing so many of you tomorrow at our meet and greet. If you are not able to make it, I will see your child on our first day! Please don't forget to email me with dismissal information so I know how your child will go home and familiarize yourself with our website prior to our return.
Thanks all!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Welcome to 2nd grade!

Hi families! It seems like we are off for a year of possible uncertainties again! Please know that regardless of what this year brings, I do believe we will get through it together.  

Please click on the tabs above to familiarize yourself with our class website and to learn a little about me. It will be updated regularly once school begins. I will be emailing all of you soon about an informal meet and greet I'd like to have before school starts.

Please add my email address and bookmark our class website. 

                                       we can do it