*Math: wrap up Chapter 4 Using Bar Models: Addition and Subtraction
*Spelling: r-controlled words using er, ir, and ur
*Conventions: singular and plural nouns
*Reading: building reading stamina/facts and details
*Writing: building writing stamina/Information Writing
*SS/Science: Working Together/History of Thanksgiving
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
*I am looking forward to ZOOMing with you for our upcoming Fall conference! If you have not signed up for a conference, please do so before 7 pm on Monday, 11/15. Signups will close at that time.
Message from Marie our Blogger about this week:
Hi my name is Marie, so far its been a great 👍 week.we are learning about bar models in math.we also are learning about contractions and Abraham Lincoln in reading 📖!the class is so good at writing ✍🏻 workshop.the specials are great exercise for the class too.we love 💝 gonodles. we are also learning about proper nouns.Joey is the MVP of the week.we are also good at morning math 🧮 and daily fix-it.everyone is amazing 🤩 at listening 👂 in class. daily 5 is fun 🥳 too.everyone has an iPad 👩🏻💻.we know a lot because of Mrs. Pandov.