Sera is our next MVP! It’ll be fun to learn more about her! Monday is Day 9. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: wrap up Chapter 4 Using Bar Models: Addition and Subtraction
*Spelling: r-controlled words using er, ir, and ur
*Conventions: singular and plural nouns
*Reading: building reading stamina/facts and details
*Writing: building writing stamina/Information Writing
*SS/Science: Working Together/History of Thanksgiving
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
*I am looking forward to ZOOMing with you for our upcoming Fall conference! If you have not signed up for a conference, please do so before 7 pm on Monday, 11/15. Signups will close at that time.
Message from Marie our Blogger about this week:
Hi my name is Marie, so far its been a great 👍 week.we are learning about bar models in math.we also are learning about contractions and Abraham Lincoln in reading 📖!the class is so good at writing ✍🏻 workshop.the specials are great exercise for the class too.we love 💝 gonodles. we are also learning about proper nouns.Joey is the MVP of the week.we are also good at morning math 🧮 and daily fix-it.everyone is amazing 🤩 at listening 👂 in class. daily 5 is fun 🥳 too.everyone has an iPad 👩🏻💻.we know a lot because of Mrs. Pandov.