Thank you all for the sweet cards, gifts, and well wishes! It was a great last week with your children! I hope you all have an amazing summer!
Monday, June 20, 2022
Friday, June 10, 2022
Class News: Week of 6/13
Monday will be Day 6. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*This week student’s will review old ELA skills and math skills!
*Writing: building writing stamina/completing Research on Presidents using Google Slides and Google Classroom
*SS/Science: Saying Goodbye!
*I can not believe this is our last week! Thank you for a great year! I wish all the best to your family and look forward to seeing your children next year as third graders!
*Friday is a half day and our movie day! Thank you to all that provided our "concession snacks"!
*Please send in a favorite board game on Tuesday and Thursday!
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Class News: Week of 6/6
Monday will be Day 1. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*This week student’s will review old ELA skills and math skills!
*Writing: building writing stamina/begin President Research using Google Slides and Google Classroom
*SS/Science: Our Country’s Flag
*Tuesday, 6/7: 2nd grade picnic–thanks to all that volunteered to help and donate items!
*Please remember take home folders EVERYDAY! NO more homework!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Max our Blogger about this week:
I am Max Tucker week we will be learning about proper nouns,commas,titles, and inflected endings.In math we will take the end of the year test.
Monday, May 30, 2022
Class News: Week of 5/30
*This week I will begin assessing ELA skills and math
*Monday, 5/30: Holiday/No school
*Please remember take home folders and homework
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Class News: Week of 5/23
Monday will be Day 4. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Volume, Lines & Surfaces, and Shapes & Patterns
*Spelling: inflected endings (ed,ing,er,est), abbreviations, syllables -ion, -tion, -ture, suffixes (-less, -able, -ible), and prefixes (mis-, mid-, micro-, non-)
*Conventions: using capital letters, quotation marks, prepositional phrases, using commas, and commas in compound sentences
*Reading: building reading stamina/compare & contrast, author’s purpose, drawing conclusions, sequence, and facts & details
*Writing: building writing stamina/State Research using Google Slides and Google Classroom
*SS/Science: Celebrating our Families
*Monday, 5/30: Holiday/No school
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Sera our Blogger about this week:
Hi,My name is Sera. I’m going to teach you about this week! For writing we’re researching different states I’m researching Texas. Leaning about grams and kilograms in math.We are also talking about the all sound pattern aw,au,augh,al.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Class News: Week of 5/16
Monday will be Day 12. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 8 Mass
*Spelling: Vowel Patterns aw, au, augh, al
*Conventions: Contractions
*Reading: building reading stamina/Main Idea and Details
*Writing: building writing stamina/State Research using Google Slides and Google Classroom
*SS/Science: Being Responsible When We Make Mistakes
*Tuesday, 5/17: Teacher Inservice/No school for students
*Friday, 5/20: NPE Field Day (Thank you to all that volunteered to help!)
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Joey our Blogger about this week:
Hi! I am Joey. I am your blogger this week. In spelling this week, we were practicing the sounds ph, gh, ck, ng, and have been continuing pronouns. In math this week, we have been doing estimating. Mrs. Pandov has been teaching us different strategies to help us learn quicker. We had a math test on Friday. It was about estimating, mental math and rounding. In writing workshop, we started sharing our insect research. We have been learning about how to be a great friend. That is all for this week’s blog. Bye!
Cencerely: Joey
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Class News: Week of 5/9
We are back to our normal schedule this week!! Monday will be Day 7. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 10 Mental Math and Estimation
*Spelling: Consonant Patterns ph, gh, ck, ng
*Conventions: Different Kinds of Pronouns
*Reading: building reading stamina/Character and Setting
*Writing: building writing stamina/Insect Research using Google Slides
*SS/Science: Being Responsible Friends and Neighbors
*May Scholastic Book orders were placed on Friday, 5/6.
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
*Friday, 5/13: Taylor Arboretum Fieldtrip and NPE Field Day
Message from Marie our Blogger about this week:
What up y’all! Marie here, This is my news blog so listen up. We ended our PSSA schedule this week, and it was fun. It’s hard saying goodbye but we are all back to normal. In gym, We were doing our last 2 Field day games. We got our pinch pots and pinch pot monsters from art. Sophie, Avery, Scarlet, And Diego got there pinch pot monsters on display at the art center. Congratulations to you 4! We are doing Mental math and estimation in math. We read “Bad dog Dodger “ in reading. Fortunately, some people didn’t do their math homework, so if you are them, please do your part. And parents, please thank Mrs. Pandov AND Mr. JP. They are so kind so everyone, please do your part, especially you kids. Thank you so much!
Your very desperate friend,
Peace out
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Class News: Week of 5/2
Grades 3-5 will be taking PSSAs again early this week at NPE. Extra conversations at home about behavior is greatly appreciated! Monday will be Day 2. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 10 Mental Math and Estimation
*Spelling: Consonant Patterns kn, wr, gn, mb
*Conventions: Using Pronouns I and me
*Reading: building reading stamina/Plot and Theme
*Writing: building writing stamina/Insect Research using Google Slides and Google Classroom
*SS/Science: Being Responsible Animal Owners
*May Scholastic Book orders will be due 5/6.
*Permission slips to Taylor Arboretum due 5/6.
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Zach D. our Blogger about this week:
Hi my name is Zach and I’m going to tell you about our week! We started taking about plot lines in school.Our test is this week!This week was a little different but it was fun.But theirs only 39 days of school left!BY ✌️.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Class News: Week of 4/25
Grades 3-5 will be taking PSSAs this week at NPE. Extra conversations at home about behavior is greatly appreciated! Monday will be Day 9. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: wrapping up Chapter 17 Graphs and Line Plots
*Spelling: Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-
*Conventions: Singular and Plural Pronouns
*Reading: building reading stamina/Cause and Effect
*Writing: building writing stamina/Animal Research using Google Slides
*SS/Science: Being Responsible for Earth (plants)
*May Scholastic Book orders will be due 5/6. I will send out an email with ordering information later this week for those interested in buying books!
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Gabriel our Blogger about this week:
We have been learning how to use graphs and read graphs. We had our book fair yesterday. Our teacher has been good at reviewing. We learned you have to count by fives when the minute hand is on a number Except 12. Our school is having kindness week. We have learned that graphs have a key. This week we have been learning about suffixes. We have been learning about Kanye in Africa.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Class News: Week of 4/18
Welcome back! I hope you had a great Spring Break! Monday will be Day 4. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 17 Graphs and Line Plots
*Spelling: Suffixes -ly, -ful, -er, -or
*Conventions: Pronouns
*Reading: building reading stamina/Fact and Opinion
*Writing: building writing stamina/Animal Research using Google Slides
*SS/Science: Kindness Week at NPE/Being Responsible for Earth (our planet)
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY! Please see note on homework sheet about math this week!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Olivia our Blogger about this week:
Hi i am this weeks news reporter Olivia. We Just finish time.This week is a review week. i hope you have a great sprig break.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Class News: Week of 4/4
Monday will be Day 1. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Cumulative Review Week
**ELA Review Week**
*Spelling: Final syllable -le, vowel pattern (oo, u), dipthongs (ow, ou oi,oy), long & short vowel syllables, vowel diagraphs (oo, ue, ew, ui)
*Conventions: Adjectives, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives, Adverbs that tell when, where, and how
*Reading: building reading stamina/Drawing Conclusions, Sequence, Fact & Opinion, Plot & Theme
*Writing: building writing stamina/Women Research
*SS/Science: Being Responsible for Earth (living things)
*I look forward to seeing you at our conferences this week!
*April Scholastic orders were placed on 4/1.
*There will not be homework this short week!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Zachary our Blogger about this week:
Hello, today I’m going to tell you what we learned this week.This week we started our women biographies and we started responsibility posters.The week was also review week.This week Olivia was the MVP.This week we are taking our math test.I hope you liked my blog.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Class News: Week of 10/28
Monday will be Day 8. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 14 Time
**ELA Review Week**
*Spelling: Final syllable -le, vowel pattern (oo, u), dipthongs (ow, ou oi,oy), long & short vowel syllables, vowel diagraphs (oo, ue, ew, ui)
*Conventions: Adjectives, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives, Adverbs that tell when, where, and how
*Reading: building reading stamina/Drawing Conclusions, Sequence, Fact & Opinion, Plot & Theme
*Writing: building writing stamina/Women Research
*SS/Science: Personal Responsibility
*It's time to sign up for conferences! The window to sign up ends on Friday!
*April Scholastic orders will be placed on 4/1!
*Please return plastic egg activity by 4/1!
*Don't forget to complete our Spring writing prompt and send to school!
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Lyla our Blogger about this week:
Hello all the parents. My name is Lyla. This week we have been learning time. We are also learning oo,ue,ew,and,ui. Students are now eating outside. Spring paper must be sent in This week.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Class News: Week of 3/21
Monday will be Day 3. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 14 Time
*Spelling: vowel diagraphs (oo, ue, ew, ui)
*Conventions: Adverbs that tell how
*Reading: building reading stamina/Plot and Theme
*Writing: building writing stamina/Poetry and Research
*SS/Science: Women’s History
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Avery our Blogger about this week:
Dear moms and dads
This is Avery we been working on counting money. On Friday we will take our math test on money. In writing workshop we are taking a break on writing poems. I think that in work on writing you can make different kinds of poems. That to me is super cool. I think this week is going good so far. Ms. Clarke Has Been coming to our class for Sienese. We been learning about the weather. Npe is the best place to be!
Friday, March 11, 2022
Class News: Week of 3/14
Monday will be Day 10. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 11 Money (*Please check how your child is completing math homework. I'm doing a lot of small groups in class, but your child may benefit from "extra" practice counting/writing money at home.)
*Spelling: syllable patterns for short and long sounds
*Conventions: Adverbs that tell when and where
*Reading: building reading stamina/Plot and Theme
*Writing: building writing stamina/Poetry
*SS/Science: Pi Day/St. Patrick's Day
*Please remember take home folders and homework!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Jeremy our Blogger about this week:
We are talking about fractions and money in math. we are talking about dipthongs and adjectives. we are typing are poems. We learned about spring.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Class News: Week of 3/7
Avery will be our MVP next week! It'll be fun to learn more about her! Monday will be Day 5. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 12 Fractions/ Chapter 11 Money
*Spelling: diphthongs ou, ow, ai, oy
*Conventions: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
*Reading: building reading stamina/Fact and Opinion
*Writing: building writing stamina/Poetry
*SS/Science: Spring Weather
*Please remember take home folders and homework!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Sophie our Blogger about this week:
Hi parents these week we are righting pomes in righting workshop. We are also practicesing oo,u sawneds. And in math we are Learning about Factions and adding factions. We are having mis clark come in for the week. It is day 109 days in school we have 71 days left.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Class News: Week of 2/28
*Math: Chapter 12 Fractions
*Spelling: vowel patterns (oo, u)
*Conventions: Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
*Reading: building reading stamina/Sequencing
*Writing: building writing stamina/Poetry
*SS/Science: Dental Awareness/Read Across America
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Dear parents, This weak we were taking a math test. We are also learning about presidents. We celebrated on Tuesday because the date was 2-22-22. Are M.V.P is Sophie.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Class News: Week of 2/22
This Week's Learning Objectives:
*Math: Chapter 16 Multiplication and Division
*Spelling: Final Syllable -le
*Conventions: Adjectives and Our Senses
*Reading: building reading stamina/Drawing Conclusions
*Writing: building writing stamina/Poetry
*SS/Science: President's Day/Twos Day
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Diego our Blogger about this week:
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Class News: Week of 2/14
Patrick will be our MVP next week! It'll be fun to learn more about him! Monday will be Day 4. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!
*Math: Chapter 16 Using Bar Models: Multiplication and Division
*Spelling: Long e (e, ee, ea, y), Long o (o, oa, ow), Compound Words, Long i (i, ie, igh, y), and Comparative Endings -er / -est
*Conventions: Verbs, Verb/Noun Agreement, Verbs for Past, Present & Future, Verbs is/am/are/was/were
*Reading: building reading stamina/Author's Purpose, Drawing Conclusions, Compare & Contrast, Sequence, and Fact & Opinion
*Writing: building writing stamina/Poetry
*SS/Science: Valentine's Day/States of Matter
*Please remember take home folders and homework EVERYDAY!
*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.
Message from Ellary our Blogger about this week:
Dear family’s Next week we will have a Valentine’s Day party . Some people are bringing their Valentines early.But we still can’t see them until the party. Diego is the nvp . This has been an exciting week for all of us. Mrs rootie came over and we did an experiment. WE ALL LOVED IT. Ellary