Thursday, March 3, 2022

Class News: Week of 3/7

Avery will be our MVP next week! It'll be fun to learn more about her! Monday will be Day 5. Please look at our Daily Schedule on our class website to help you keep up with Specials this week!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 

*Math: Chapter 12 Fractions/ Chapter 11 Money

*Spelling: diphthongs ou, ow, ai, oy

*Conventions: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

*Reading: building reading stamina/Fact and Opinion

*Writing: building writing stamina/Poetry

*SS/Science: Spring Weather


*Please remember take home folders and homework! 

*Thank you for sending in healthy, easy to open snacks only. Please no snacks that require utensils.

Message from Sophie our Blogger about this week:

Hi parents these week we are righting pomes in righting workshop. We are also practicesing oo,u sawneds. And in math we are Learning about Factions and adding factions. We are having mis clark come in for the week. It is day 109 days in school we have 71 days left.